Monday, November 19, 2012


It's the first day of the Thanksgiving holiday week. I really love Thanksgiving. So no whining in this post. First, I just love the food - you don't get a turkey like that any other time of the year it seems. (sorry vegetarians.) As a journalist, I usually had to make the choice of going home to New Mexico at Thanksgiving or Christmas. I usually chose Christmas, so I was often a Thanksgiving orphan. But I always found a great home for the holiday, thanks to knowing some truly terrific people. Work no longer keeps me from traveling for the Thanksgiving holiday. But this year, I am staying in Houston and we will celebrate at the home of some treasured friends. So I am truly thankful for my place in this world right now. I am. This week, I am thinking of all of the good things. Today, it's morning glorys. I planted morning glory seeds earlier this year along a fence and they have been blooming like crazy this month. Every morning, I walk out and see them in their full glory. It makes me smile. I've included a couple of shots of them. Tonight I go shopping for Thanksgiving groceries!

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